Tuesday 29 January 2013

Job hunting campaign!

I'm sure there are many people who are in the same boat as me but oooh how frustrating this is. 
I left university and didn't know what to do. Including college I had just finished five years of photography study. I needed a breather. 
I started working at a spa in london and it was awful. Clients could be awful, it was a dirty job and strange hours. I was a wreck and suffered from loads of migraines that meant I couldn't work anyway. 
I decided to leave in June and have been looking for work ever since. 
Luckily I work once a week at a study centre, which I really enjoy. This pays for the essentials but not enough to move out, learn to drive or even go out for a pint. I'm 22 and i'm running behind life, not alongside it. 

The point of all of this is that I WANT A JOB!!! Yes, I actually want to work and make money, pay rent or mortgage one day, go on holiday and learn to drive. The simple things. All I need to achieve the life I want is a full time job. Preferably monday-friday, human hours. 
Unfortunately, we are in the recession and after 6 months of applying for jobs it would seem that employers are looking for candidates with one hundred years of work experience, completing different types of jobs, attended a variety of courses and then you have to have the ability to smile and type at 50 wpm at the same time. Fine.

I am a smart girl, my brain is definitely switched on. I can type rather fast, I have a great telephone manner, I can learn very quickly and get the hang of things fast. I consider myself to have a good sense of humour. I know Microsoft Word, some Excell and have worked with both PC's and Apple computers. I can use a calculator and I am teaching myself maths again. I work well under pressure. I love reading and music and movies.
Did I mention, I make a great cup of tea and do not judge the amount of sugar you may require. I also provide great hugs when needed. 

If any one knows of anything or is looking for someone reliable and lovely contact meeeeee!!! frances.jose@rocketmail.com

Thanks for reading, over and out!

Frankie :)