Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Day 4 - A Photo A Day

Its day four for me in the photo challenge today which means photographing your favourite cup or mug which is easy for me as I definitely have a favourite mug which holds my much adored tea or hot chocolate!

Here it is :)

Yes, thats right. My KitKat mug! I love red, love chocolate and my family call me kitty, cat or squid...but thats another story! So this one makes me happiest. Also the red hasn't faded so thats a plus.

 Oooh...time for a cuppa i think!

Lots of love xxx


  1. Nice story and i can just imagine a scrummy cup of hot choc made in that

  2. squid ?! lol
    beautiful photo :)

  3. Mmm a kit kat dunked in a cuppa - yummy!! Squid... - the mind boggles...
